Wednesday, April 14, 2010

E-mail 4-12-10

Hey guys how are you? I am doing ok, it has been a long week and think it’s going to be a long month but it’s ok. My area had no one on the teaching list when I got here. We only have 4 now which still is not good but it’s better than before. I only had 1 person in church for the first time which really sucks! That is the worst I have done since I have been a Sr. comp so I’m really stressed. My district is not doing so hot either so I have got alot of work to do. We had a meeting today as a district and we had a big talk about May. We made a goal for 25 baptisms as a district and everyone was super fired up after so I hope it works. One of the sister missionaries said she has never had a leader get her as excited about the work as I did and that I am her favorite leader she has ever had. It made me feel good that they liked my meeting I have just got to help them see that we can do it, cuz April we are going to finish really bad. Just no one is excited about the work so we talked about it today and I just asked how they want to remember their mission and gave a big pep-talk and everyone left super excited. Now let’s just hope it sticks and we tear it up in May! It’s just bad cuz our Zone Leaders were acting like my missionaries are not good and we won’t have success! But I am going to change that, they have the potential I have just got to get them to see it!!! I think I did it in the meeting today, it was like the talk the coach gives before the big game so now I have just got to wait and see if they do it, and I need to be an example.

So my new area sucks!!! It is built on a freaking mountain! I spend my whole day walking up and down hills which sucks but hey maybe I will lose more weight. I just feel like I’m going to die though cuz my area is on a mountain and my house is at the top so every night after working all day I have to climb all the way up which really sucks and ya I just miss flat ground ha-ha!!!

As for my ward it needs alot of help. The stake president is in my ward and is just so cool, our services started at 8 in the morning and it was hard to get people to go this Sunday cuz it was so early. I talked to the stake president and got him to change the time of Sacrament to 9 so that should help us to get more people to church.

I feel like such a freak here. Everyone on Sunday was just staring at me and saying I’m a giant and just all this stuff. It makes me feel like a freak for real ha-ha I forget how big I am then I go to a new area where no one knows me and they all just go off about how big I am and it makes me feel like a freak!

I have an assistant working with me to help me learn how to be a good District Leader he is really helping me his name is Elder Molynoex I’ll have him for one more week. He is from Utah and is just such a cool guy and has taught me alot.

This week I saw a dog get hit by a car, it was super sad. There was this dog sleeping in the middle of the road and a truck came by and hit it and the dog like went spinning under the car and got up and was bleeding all over it was super sad. I felt bad for the dog, people here are just a little crazy. I had a big gas tank fall on my foot. We found this gas truck and asked them to go to our house and they said ok and for us to just jump in back so we did. As we were going we hit a speed bump and all the gas tanks went flying and one landed on my foot. It hurt so bad, I’m just glad they didn’t blow up though ha-ha!!!

That is it for this week. I love you all so much and hope everything is ok. I miss you all and am doing ok, but learning tons!
Love you,
Elder Fackler

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