Thursday, August 5, 2010

E-mail 7-26-10

Dear family

This week was ok, we had to lay the law down with are zone ha-ha they were not being very respectful. We had a meeting and had a talk with them and it seems like it helped. We didn’t yell or anything just said the stuff that was bugging us and said “We didn’t ask to get put here as there Zone Leaders, President got revelation from God and put us here and that God put them here so we could help them!” We told them that we can’t help them when they have attitudes and stuff. I think it helped, which is good and if not I’ll just kill them hahaha.

As for me and my comp, we are doing good! We baptized 2 people, ones name is Lidia she is cool. She has been talking to the missionaries for a year and never got baptized. We went and had a way spiritual lesson with her and she agreed to be baptized and went through with it which is cool. Then another lady named Marie. She was cool at first, she hated us but we won her over. She prayed and got a way cool experience and got baptized. I was pretty stoked lol!

Ok cool story, well we saved a dog ha-ha. It has been raining like crazy here so there is water everywhere. There are these huge canals that are full of water, so anyways we were walking along the edge of one of the canals and we heard a bark and looked down and in the canal there was this little white dog on an island. So we decided to save her ha-ha. It is like a brick wall canal, so I got my comp and lowered him in (about 10 feet to the bottom) and he walked across in thigh deep water. He got the dog and came back, handed it out to me and then I pulled him out ha-ha! The dog was way happy we saved it. I think it had been in there for awhile, it was our Christ-like deed for the day.

I’m so sick of being wet! It has rained here the whole week, the whole freaking time. I’m so sick of being wet and muddy but it is my last rainy season ha-ha thank heavens!!! Oh, also we were walking home at night and it was dark and we were walking in a grass field. Anyway we are walking along in this field and my comp is in front of me and all of the sudden he steps and it is a huge hole full of water and he just falls in!!! It was so funny cuz we were already soaked. Ya he was just going along in front and all the sudden he was gone ha-ha!!! I looked down and he is just buried in water, it was way funny. I’m glad he fell in not me!

I’m excited to know if Ross will have a boy or a girl that will be way cool. I can’t believe school is about to start again, it is going so fast. I’m so glad I’m here mom, really you have no idea! I’m so glad I had you and dad or I really would not have made it. I’m so glad you and dad were always in my life and watched over me. Thank you so much, I have really learned so much since I have been here. Most of all I have learned how blessed I was by God to get you and dad. I love you guys!

Love, Elder Fackler

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