Tuesday, June 9, 2009

E-Mail 6-8-09

Hey family,
So here are the answers to your questions. My interview with Pres. was really good. I really like him he is super cool. I have not been sick at all this week which is super good and I think my weight is OK. The women in our ward are upset with me cuz I don't eat all of the vegetables they give me but its so hard. Some of them are just so sick and I just can't do it. I try so, so, so hard and I just can't cuz some I don't even know what they are. They just turn into slime.

The lady we live with is mad cuz I have been using the water pump to shower. That is the only way we have water presser. This morning she got mad and told me to stop using it. I am going to have to start showering with a bucket which I am not looking forward to at all. I guess I just need to humble my self, suck it up and just do it. I just really really don't want to.

So we have a pretty good group of people to teach right now. We have two families and then two single women with kids and some others. It's just hard cuz they all act so good but then getting them to go to church is like moving a mountain which sucks. All we can do is our best.

This week we had kids throw rocks at us again but they missed so its OK. I saw all of my friends from the MTC on Tue. We all went to get are visas finished which was super cool. I really miss them so much it was good to see them all again. They all have been having a ruff time too. It's just so different. It's super hard to adjust and now I get to shower with a bucket, hahaha!!! Oh well I just need to keep working threw it, I'm sure I'll deal with worse stuff.

So Ross is getting married, crazy! That was super fast. I'm glad he and Sandi go together. I can't wait to get home and get married and start school. I kinda miss being normal. I'm kinda homesick this week, cuz of my ward being mad at me and the lady we live with. You know me, I don't do good when people are upset with me.

This week the assistants brought me a new mattress which was super good cuz mine sucked, and a fridge so that's nice. I didn't have one my apartment. It is so small it's hard to fit it all in. It's probably as big as our living room at home and has a bathroom. Ya it's very little but its OK. I know I needed to come to Mexico to be more grateful for what I have cuz we are very lucky! I promise.

So people here have been screaming at me a ton, greengo and stuff. It's kinda funny I learned to just ignore it.

Other then that not much has happened. We are teaching some way cool families and trying hard. I think president really likes me, at least I hope so. I am trying so hard to be good and do my best. It's hard cuz we still have not baptized and the ward is mad at me, and I have to shower with a bucket!!! I'll be OK, it will get better I hope, I know it could be worse hahaha. Mom don't stress about me, I'm OK I promise. I love you so much, thanks for all of your prayers.

I love you all with all my heart.
Write next week. Hope life is good and I'm OK,
I promise.
Elder Fackler

1 comment:

  1. Poor Austin!! You're so brave- showering with a bucket. Yuck!! Better get a big bucket! I guess I had better not take for granted so many things. In no time at all you'll be back and have a real shower?!!
