Tuesday, June 30, 2009

E-Mail 6-29-09

Hey everyone how are you?

I am doing pretty good. Mom don't stress, my stomach has been fine. I have not been sick for awhile and I'm starting to get use to the food. Some of it is so good, like Tortas. They are Mexican hamburgers OH I LOVE THEM!!! I am still losing weight cuz I only eat once a day and work out every night. I think I'm about where I was during football. I'm going to be skinny and tan when I get home.

I like Mexico more and more all the time. It feels normal now living here. My one bedroom house just feels normal. The donkey pulled trailer that comes to get our trash is normal now too. I'm going to have to let Angela pick our house cuz after living here I could probably live in anything in the U.S. and be happy. It's crazy how humble the people live here. It makes me feel like such a spoiled brat. I always felt like our house was so small and always wanted to have more. I was not happy with what I had. Now that I live here I see how blessed and lucky we really are. We have so much it's not even funny. I wish you guys could see some of the houses here. All I know is when I get home I'm going to be so grateful for what we have. We are so lucky!!!

The work is going good. We worked are butts off this week but I still have not baptized yet. I think we'll have one soon. We are teaching some super cool people. I learned this song in Spanish but changed the tune to the tune of "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing" and my comp and I sang it to some investigators. At the end the dad was crying super hard which was crazy cuz he has never been very emotional before, he was crying like crazy, I couldn't believe it. The song is super cool, I'll try to record it and send it home.

OK the turtles well um ........................ we have 6 now Pedro, Juan and Santiago (Peter, James and John in Spanish) Moto Moto, Tietsy and Tony the Tiger. Ya I'm terrible I know. They have got a pretty pimpin house by the way. They live better then us and they eat live fish. It's cool cuz there are these things here called Tanges which are huge sales where they block off the street and tons of vendors come. You can find anything there super cheap. That's where we get the turtles, but we are done with are turtle adventure now. We are only going to keep them till transfers in 4 weeks.

My comp is great and has taught me a ton, I love him tons. I think my feet grew, my shoes that are 13 hurt my feet so bad. I'm wearing the same pair everyday but I don't want them to wear out and get ruined. I think I'm growing again too cuz my knees have been hurting really bad and my shoes are to small.

My comp said I can't be the Jr. Companion any more cuz I'm to big. He gets mad at me and asks if he can be the Sr. Companion just once cuz he is my District Leader, Sr. Companion and Trainer so I should let him be the boss but then he tells me I am just to big and that I don't let him hahahah.

I can't believe how much a missions help you. I always thought I was such a good person but a mission shows you all of the areas you suck at. It helps you be willing to swallow your pride and just do what you have to do to make things better. I know I'll be a better husband and dad from this. It teaches you so much and helps you so much!!!

You asked about the bugs here, they are not to bad. I get bit a ton but I'm use to it now.

That's about it here I have got to go. I love you all so much, thanks for all you do! I miss you all.

Tons of Love,
Elder Fackler

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